
Advanced Melee Zer0 Guide

The best relic for Zero is a Proficiency relic ( Increases Action Skill Cooldown Rate) because more deception means more damage and more survivability. The ...

Can someone give me a good build for zero op 8

2020年7月29日 — Weapons: Slag Rapier, Evisceration Grog, and whatever you like - I tend to go with whatever shotgun and sniper I feel fits the map (interfacer, ...

Op8 sniper zeros, what snipers do you use in your load out?

2018年5月30日 — Lyuda and Pimpernel are the best when it comes to Snipers, although it's always worth keeping an eye out for Droogs, Muckamucks and Sniders.

what's the best weapons for zero lvl72 op8 in UHVM

on op8 where any enemie can 2 shot you if you don't have shields grim is great. if you're experienced with melee zero on op8 then don't use it. ... zero on op8 ...

【Reborn MOD】OP8 狙击ZERO VS四龙(稍微不同的打法)

【Reborn MOD】OP8 狙击ZERO VS四龙(稍微不同的打法)共计2条视频,包括:装备技能加点、正片等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。

【問題】有刺客zero的專家在嗎? @邊緣禁地系列 ...

2018年10月17日 — 最近把op8也打光了DLC也打了好幾個狙擊槍,手槍,近戰,散彈槍這幾個流派的畢業裝也差不多齊了請問在多人遊戲中那一個流派是最強的?


ThebestrelicforZeroisaProficiencyrelic(IncreasesActionSkillCooldownRate)becausemoredeceptionmeansmoredamageandmoresurvivability.The ...,2020年7月29日—Weapons:SlagRapier,EviscerationGrog,andwhateveryoulike-ItendtogowithwhatevershotgunandsniperIfeelfitsthemap(interfacer, ...,,2018年5月30日—LyudaandPimpernelarethebestwhenitcomestoSnipers,althoughit'salwaysworthkeepinganeyeoutforDroogs,Muckamucksa...